Thursday, April 2, 2020

OM: An Esoteric Subject

Hello everybody ,
            Today let's talk about the most esoteric and mysterious word "Om"

 पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।

पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

"Om (the almighty) is complete, this Ataman is complete, from that completeness comes this completeness, if we take away this completeness from that completeness, only completeness remain"

THE general MEANING OF "OM": 

Omor Aum is a sacred sound that is known generally as the sound of the universe. Om is all encompassing, the essence of ultimate reality, and unifies everything in the universe. The vibrations that the Om sound creates are thought to energize the chakras throughout the body, especially the third eye and crown chakras, which help us connect with our Divine selves.  
The Om sound is a short, 'seed' mantra, which is chanted to connect with and energize the chakras. The Om symbol represents the sound in a visual form and has a lot of meaning behind it. Om is one of the most important spiritual symbols and is found throughout many ancient Hindu texts, prayers and ceremonies.

Om or Aum, , in Devanagari as ओ३म- or ओम्  .In Sanskrit known- aspraṇava प्रणव - (lit. "to sound out loudly"), Omkara or Auṃkāra (also as Aumkāraओंकार (lit. "Auṃform/syllable"), is a sacred or mystical syllable in most Dharmic or Indian religions, specifically Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

Elements of the Symbol "Om"- 
                                                                    The symbol "Om" is a combination of curves, a crescent and a dot. The meaning of the Om symbol, while purely looking at its visual form, comes from the states of consciousness that Aum represents.

Om is pronounced as ओ३म् where is Pluti, (indicating a length of three morea) (long or over-long nasalized close-mid back rounded vowel, [õːː]), like OOOM, दीर्घ O, though there are other enunciations adhered to in received traditions. It is placed at the beginning of most Hindu texts as a sacred incantation to be intoned at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or prior to any prayer or mantra.

In the Vedas the mantra (sound) is the primary source from which the universe has sprung; it is the primordial vibration in everything, the motor of the universe. Through the study and the search on the mantras the ancient Wiseman (rishis and sages) have discovered how we can be harmony with the cosmos and with ourselves.
Om (aum) it is the primordial sound, is the matrix of all that exists in the universe ,it doesn’t have a particular meaning, it is rather a sacred syllable that represent the essence of the vital energy from which the creation has sprung.

Om is the combination of the four sounds:


The A represents Brahma the creator, the conscience, the state of vigil.

The U represents Vishnu the preserver, the subconscious, the state of dream.

The M represents Shiva the destroyer, the unconscious, the state of deep sleep.

The Silence represents Self or Samadhi or the conciousness.

It can be noted that these three letters are tightly correlated with the endless breath of the universe, in which the strength of creation, preservation and destruction continually follow one another and how they are correlated with the three dimensions of the human conscience.
The utilization of the sound for the spiritual purpose is universally used in a lot of religions the continuous repeating of a sentence or a sacred sound with the help of rosary (japa mala) represent the highest form of meditation. The mantras are the best vehicles in the meditation because through them the mind calms the incessant flow of thoughts and it settles in a state of deep concentration.

 The 1st Sound, A. In the wakeful state, the Indriyas, prana, manas, buddhi, ahankaaara (Ego) - Citta are all operative.  This state is what we know as life and biological functions.
the 2nd Sound, U. The consciousness is turned inside.  The ego is still operative as per Ramana..  The Self  (2nd part) is dreaming and enjoys subtle objects.
The 3rd sound, M. No ego play here.   The sleeper desires nothing that he usually desires during the waking state. No dreams occur.  The Self  (the 3rd part)  is undifferentiated consciousness, and  enjoys bliss, being bliss itself.  The lower self is absorbed in the Highest Self .
 The 4th part of the Self or silence.  It is undifferentiated. No ego play here.  There is quietness (Santam),  Peace and Bliss (Sivam),  without-a-second (advaitam). This is the realization. This is Samadhi. This is oneness. This is SatChitAnanda. It is beyond consciousness. It is the source. The four parts of the Self are compared to the cow's feet. 
And as said earlier Self is OM.  

"Silence is the language of Om. We need silence to be able to reach our Self.". 

So friend's, I think its enough for today,in my next blog i will tell you few more interesting facts about the Divine Science of "Om".
Thank you for reading this blog and don't forget to share, comment and subscribe my blog.

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